About Us

About Myneth Healthcare Solutions

At Myneth Healthcare Solutions, we bring over 20 years of experience in the field of home care and private nursing. As a leading provider, we specialize in recruiting and supplying highly qualified and experienced healthcare professionals to the NHS and Private Healthcare sector in the UK. Whether you require temporary staffing, permanent placements, or block bookings, we have the expertise to meet your needs.

Our team at Myneth Healthcare Solutions comprises professionals from diverse backgrounds, including Registered Nurses, Social Workers, Approved Mental Health Practitioners and Interests Assessors, Business Analysts, Engineers, Marketing and Human Resources Consultants. With our collective experience, we strive to deliver exceptional service tailored to our clients’ specific requirements.

Our Vision

We are dedicated to providing continuity in the supply of staff and addressing staffing shortages in the healthcare industry. By delivering reliable professionals, we aim to support organizations in maintaining seamless operations and exceptional care for their patients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to consistently provide reliable professionals who meet the highest standards of excellence. We achieve this by assigning each client a dedicated consultant who is readily available to offer support, guidance, and personalized service throughout the engagement.



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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)