Our Services

Our Services

We take pride in offering our comprehensive range of services to various healthcare facilities, ensuring that we cater to the unique staffing needs of each setting. Our experienced team of professionals is well-equipped to serve the following types of healthcare organizations:

We Offer Services To

Residential and Nursing Homes:

We understand the critical role that care homes play in providing a safe and nurturing environment for individuals who require assistance with their daily activities. Whether you need temporary or permanent staff, we can supply highly qualified professionals, including registered nurses, healthcare assistants, and support workers, who are skilled in delivering compassionate care and promoting the well-being of residents.

NHS and Private Hospitals:

As a trusted partner to both the National Health Service (NHS) and private hospitals, we offer tailored staffing solutions to meet the demands of these fast-paced and dynamic healthcare settings. Our extensive network of healthcare professionals includes registered general and mental health nurses, as well as specialized practitioners, who are experienced in delivering high-quality care across a wide range of medical disciplines. From ward staffing to specialized units, we can provide the right professionals to meet your staffing requirements.


Hospices play a crucial role in providing palliative care and support to individuals facing life-limiting illnesses. We recognize the unique challenges and compassionate care required in these settings. Our team is experienced in recruiting professionals who have the skills and empathy needed to provide physical, emotional, and psychological support to patients and their families during these difficult times. We can supply skilled nurses, healthcare assistants, and support workers who are dedicated to ensuring the comfort and dignity of hospice patients.

Rehabilitation Centers:

Rehabilitation centers focus on helping individuals regain their independence and improve their quality of life after illness, injury, or surgery. We offer staffing solutions tailored to these specialized settings, providing qualified professionals who are experienced in rehabilitation therapies, including physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. Our team can supply dedicated healthcare professionals who are passionate about assisting patients on their journey to recovery and empowering them to regain their functional abilities.

Key Highlights of Our Services:

Experienced and Dedicated Professionals: We work with a skilled team of healthcare experts, including registered general and mental health nurses, healthcare assistants, support workers, and housekeepers. Each professional is handpicked to ensure their qualifications and experience align with your staffing needs.

Tailor-Made Solutions: We pride ourselves on providing excellent service that is customized to our clients. Whether you require long-term placements, last-minute cover, or emergency staffing, we have the flexibility to meet your demands.

Candidate Matching: Our dedicated team helps businesses find the right candidates by meticulously matching them to job vacancies. We understand the importance of compatibility and strive to create ideal matches that contribute to the success of both the professional and the organization.

Round-the-Clock Availability: We offer a round-the-clock service to ensure consistency and reliability at all times. With our commitment to responsiveness, you can rely on us to provide prompt assistance whenever you need it.

Fully Compliant Staff: All our staff members undergo thorough compliance procedures to guarantee their qualifications and suitability for the roles. They have completed mandatory training, possess enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks, and are subjected to comprehensive reference checks. We prioritize delivering the best staff to fulfill your requirements.


  • No 47 Fourth Avenue, Wolverhampton, WV10 9PY, United Kingdom
  • (+44) 7859519057
    (+44) 7889403438
    (+44) 7767142080
  • info@mynethhealthcaresolution.co.uk


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